

The feature of the X-Centering developed by Bimu lies in the insert fixing system. Arount the fixing screw is a cross in the shape of an X, which is positive in the insert and negative in the tool-holder, thereby making it possible to obtain auto-centering aroud the fixing screw.

The X-Centering technology is available for the following insert lines:

  • 400line

  • 800line

  • 800line+

  • OXOline



  • Positioning in all axes.
  • Repetitiveness of the cutting edge ± 0,01 mm.
  • Insert turning without having to remove the screw (for 400line, 800line and 800line+).
  • The screw is free of all radial stress.


    DIXI Polytool B.V. est le revendeur exclusif de BIMU aux Pays-Bas. Nous sommes heureux de partager nos connaissances pour maximiser la productivité. Pour toutes vos questions techniques sur les produits BIMU, veuillez contacter un de nos spécialistes. Ou jetez un œil à notre centre d’assistance.


    Siege Social

    DIXI Polytool Belgium
    Chaussée de Huy 368
    1325 Chautmont-Gistoux

    Filiale Flandre
    Bert Collet
    Tel. +32 488 411 615 

    Filiale Wallonië
    Ralph Laverdeur
    Tel. +32 490 165 955